Help us end the pain of abortion. Share your story of how abortion has hurt you in a Declaration Form. A Declaration is a legally admissible testimony declaring under penalty of perjury that the information is true. It is powerful to take before courts and legislatures in efforts to limit or ban abortion. Operation Outcry is Restoring Justice! If you are a woman who has been hurt by abortion, you can share your story on the online declaration form by clicking on the link below. CLICK HERE
You may protect your identity by instructing us to use either your first name only or initials only by checking that portion of the form. If you have not told others about your abortion and are not willing to release your full name publicly, we suggest you check the box for initials only. We will never disclose your personal contact information. When you complete the form online, we do need your signature using your own mouse to make the declaration admissible.
If you prefer, you can download the form, fill it out and send it in by mail. Please complete only one declaration per person. You can attach pages to the downloadable form if you need more space. Fill Out Declaration Online
Men can share their stories as well! Download the form, fill it out and send it in! If you want to help Operation Outcry raise the million voices, please feel free to download the forms, reproduce them and give them out.